Transfers from Edinburgh to Glasgow Airport

Fixed price taxi fares to Glasgow Airport

Glentana Transfers offer a professional airport transfer service from Edinburgh to Glasgow Airport . Phone / Whatsapp +447576127097 .

Airport transfers Scotland

Travel to your destination in comfort. For a 24 hour service , phone 07576-127097 and make a booking . A return booking can also be made at the same time , saving time and hassle on the way back from your destination .

Glentana transfers to Glasgow Airport
Glentana transfers from Edinburgh to Glasgow Airport


Payment for an airport transfer from Edinburgh to Glasgow Airport transfer can be made in cash , contactless payment in car or in advance by credit card . Phone us now for more details

Pickup pointDropoff pointTariff oneTariff two
EdinburghGlasgow Airport£120£140
Glasgow City centreLarbert£65£80

Taxi transfers  from Edinburgh and Glasgow airport to Falkirk , Larbert and Stenhousemuir .

Book your airport transfer service from Edinburgh to Glasgow Airport on 0800-6190575 or Whatsapp +447576127097 .

A taxi from Edinburgh Airport to St Andrews costs £110 from Glentana Scotland . Phone or Whatsapp +447576127097 .

A taxi from Edinburgh Airport to the Fairmont Hotel near St Andrews costs £120

Airport transfers from the 2 major airports in Scotland , Glasgow and Edinburgh .

New – day trips from Edinburgh . Visiting Edinburgh for the first time ? Why not take a fascinating day trip from Edinburgh ?

Airport taxi services Edinburgh

Airport transfers Falkirk

Polmont taxis

Edinburgh Airport taxis

New – day trips from Edinburgh . Visiting Edinburgh for the first time ? Why not take a fascinating day trip from Edinburgh ?